Mike & Janferie Dewar

Since joining Liberty Trust (and now Ark Resources) the years have flown by and our lives have seen a lot of changes. At the time we joined we were a young married couple studying at Bible College, and it seemed unlikely that we would be in a position to consider buying our own home for some time.

Now we have three young children and are settled in Te Awamutu, having bought our first home. It came as a nice surprise and blessing to us when our interest free loan became available recently. We can see the Lord’s perfect timing as we were now in a position to accept the loan, having reduced our existing bank mortgage to the amount of our interest free loan.

We give thanks to God for His faithfulness in our lives and the blessing that the interest free loan will be. It will enable us to afford Christian schooling for our children, and free us to give more to support missionary friends, as well as being debt free years earlier.

A scripture that has been special to us in our marriage has been from Jeremiah 29 v 5-6a, “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. Marry and have sons and daughters.”

Thanks for all your help


Mike and Janferie Dewar