Dennis & Rosalie Long
It was with grateful thanks that we received our "Liberty" loan last year. We have had the tendency of buying when the market was high and selling when it was low, so for about four purchases we continued to have the same equity to put into the next house as we had had for the previous one. Yet the price of housing continued to increase. Effectively the only people gaining at the end of the day was the bank. So ten years ago when we heard about Liberty Trust we were pleased to begin a process that would mean when we get to retirement we will actually own a house. This would not have been the case otherwise. When you start on a plan with Liberty Trust it is hard to know what the situation will be in 10 years time, however the long term plan will be well worth it.
We have been in church ministry for 30 years and the church has encouraged us to buy our own house rather than live in the church house. But it is Liberty Trust who have gone the next step and made it obtainable. Thank you!
Dennis & Rosalie
2 February 2009