Terry & Pat Grimes
Pat and I would love to share with you all about our amazing journey with Liberty Trust.
In 1989 we were living in Kawerau, pastoring the Kawerau Christian Fellowship when we heard of the launch of Liberty Trust. We attended the first meetings that were held. The Lord showed me the benefits of being a part of a dedicated group of Christians who were prepared to give to help each other to become debt free. To break the bondage of a mortgage, which tied you up for years financially.
We became a part of the first group of givers. It was thrilling to see others receive, and to know that we had helped them receive, an interest free loan. This is having a true Christian attitude towards others. Finally an offer came our way, but we had no need for it at that time so we allowed it to go to another. When the time came that we needed the finance, Praise the Lord, there it was! God’s timing is always the right time.
Liberty Trust has helped my family as well. We all thank the Lord for the wisdom that He imparts to His people. Especially to do with finances. Keep up the great work of helping each other. Remember, the Christian live is not just to do with ourselves, it is to help each other. To stand alongside of in support in all ways.
Thank you Liberty Trust Trustees as you invest your life and time to assist others.
Yours in Christ
Terry and Pat Grimes
23 Nov 2010