My dear husband passed away at the end of June, 2008. At that stage we had been renting approx 18 years after my husband's bankruptcy and we had never managed to get into a position to buy again.
I contacted Liberty Trust in February this year to advise them of my husband’s death and was very surprised to hear that our Interest free loan was coming up within a few months. Amazingly days later they rang me to offer a loan which was intended for another but that person wasn’t ready to use it for a few months.
I was absolutely delighted especially because I had just started house hunting. It was Gods perfect timing – of that I am convinced. Within a few weeks we found the house that was meant for us. Everything was just perfect for my children and I, and we knew that once again God had moved on our behalf.
All this has confirmed a verse God had given to my husband and myself many years ago during the middle of our various trials, involving losing just about everything we owned materially – our home we then owned, our business, experiencing a complete financial reversal; as well as a house fire and my serious debilitating illness which I have suffered from approx 8 years. Finally on top of everything - the death of my precious husband.
“For I know the thoughts and plans I have I have for you says the LORD. Thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” Jeremiah 29 v 11 AMP
I know that my GOD is always in control and that he absolutely delights in writing the chapters of our lives. I am so very thankful to my Heavenly Father for – Firstly my husband’s wisdom in joining Liberty Trust so many years ago not knowing how GOD would use it to bless his family after he went home to be with his Lord. Secondly it is just so amazing how God has used Liberty to bless so many people and we are so grateful.
Words can't express but I feel so inspired and blessed with the loan I received from your trust. My God is just awesome, my absolutely wonderful provider. Thank you all - appreciate all you have done to help us.
In Christ
29 September 2009