Wayne & Lisa
It is just about a year since we received a Liberty Trust interest free loan. Such a blessing with the interest rates rises that have occurred since receiving this! It was God timing for us, we feel blessed by his goodness.
Eight years ago prior to the loan Kathleen Deal encouraged us to join Liberty Trust again (after a false start). So grateful we had that conversation with her that encouraged us to be part of this wonderful, giving and generous organisation enabling us to see God’s provision and the opportunity to not be under the bondage of many many years of interest payments.
Looking forward, as time goes on we will see the amount we owe decrease. I would like to acknowledge Kerryanne and Ark resources for their fantastic help and kindness helping transfer our mortgage over.
Great is your faithfulness Lord God Almighty, morning by morning new mercies I see, all I have needed your hand has provided.
23 November 2022