Kerry & Angela Hartley
Ecclesiastes 11:1 Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days.
This Scripture would sum up our relationship with Liberty Trust. As well as being a great blessing and releasing funds just when they were needed, Liberty has also provided us with an opportunity to see God bless a decision we made concerning giving. We joined a number of years ago whilst in Auckland running a mission centre reaching out to internationals.
At the time we were receiving a small amount of financial support, but not enough from the view point of man to make monthly contributions of a reasonable amount into a fund such as Liberty Trust. However, after hearing how the Trust operated and reading the testimonies of those that had been set free from the ‘death grip’, we both wanted to be a part of this form of spiritual warfare.
We began our payments, not sure from month to month where our monies were coming from. We cast our bread out onto the waters, which spoke to us of the lives of others, not really wishing or hoping for a return, just happy that we could contribute into such a radical life changing scheme. The years went by and it wasn’t long before Auckland was integrated into Whakatane. When this happened we were asked to resume contributions. We thought seriously about letting go at this time, happy that our previous contributions would bless others and not sure if God wanted us to continue.
The Lord seemed to say that He wanted to bless us through the Trust just as much as He wanted to bless others. So we filled out the form to resume payments and hardly had the ink dried when we got the phone call, right when a need beyond our means presented itself. God is faithful.
We wish to publicly thank the whole team at Liberty. We could not have asked for a more friendly, helpful, or accommodating group of people. Liberty Trust is a ministry of ‘Helps’. This is a valid and very necessary gift to the Body. Let’s not be silent around others concerning this God ordained method of handling finances in a fallen world.
This method should be known in all the churches in our land and every Christian should have opportunity to be a part of it. We say we belong to Jesus and serve Him, but in fact many of us spend most of our lives serving a bank, crippled by financial bondages. It’s time for change, Liberty Trust is a facilitator for deliverance. Can we, as recipients of blessing, encourage you to get others on board so that this trickle of financial blessing can turn into a flood, both in and through the lives of many of our brothers and sisters.
Be Blessed
Pastors Kerry & Angela Hartley
17 February 2008
Kerry & Angela Hartley are directors of Hebron Mission Centre. They work with new immigrants and foreign students, and provide mission training in three centres in NZ, and provide leadership training, schools and orphanages overseas.