Glyn Carpenter
I, Glyn Carpenter, of Birkenhead, Auckland, National Director of New Zealand Christian Network (also known as Vision Network of New Zealand), solemnly and sincerely SWEAR:
1. I am the National Director of New Zealand Christian Network (visionnetwork).
2. New Zealand Christian Network (visionnetwork) is a broad-spectrum network of churches and Christian leaders, with a Board of Reference which includes leaders from all the main denominations. It seeks to present a biblically orthodox position on issues, reflecting the views of the majority of Christians in New Zealand.
3. New Zealand Christian Network (visionnetwork) believes that the objects of Liberty Trust are biblically orthodox and their activities advance the Christian religion.
4. Liberty Trust has provided much orthodox Bible teaching to help the public understand, believe and follow the Bible.
5. Liberty Trust has applied the principles of the Bible to lend to help many people in need. If there is a poor man …freely lend him whatever he needs. Deut 15:7
6. The church throughout the ages has been concerned with helping people with the necessities of life, including shelter and housing.
7. Jesus had much to teach about finance including sowing and reaping, stewardship, saving, giving, sharing and lending to those in need.
8. Liberty Trust is following a teaching from the Bible which says that lending should be without interest “He does not put out his money at interest, nor does he take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things will never be shaken.” Ps 15:5
9. The Church has a history of teaching people to avoid usury (eg First Council of Nicaea canon 17 in 325CE). At the time "usury" simply meant interest of any kind.
10. Liberty Trust has enabled believers to follow the Bible’s commands to avoid indebtedness which can impact negatively on community. “You will lend to other nations but will borrow from none” Deut. 28:12. “The borrower is slave to the lender”. Prov 22:7.
11. The activities of Liberty Trust have had a positive influence on the public of New Zealand.
June 2010