Cathy Takiwa
Since having my children I have always wanted a house to call our home – I grew up on a farm with lots of space but circumstances lead me to Nelson where as a solo mum I have raised four of my five children.
I eventually was able to purchase a house through what was then the Housing corporation but having a 95% mortgage was really hard work.
I heard about Liberty Trust through my sister Adrienne and after seeing how well it worked for her I joined Liberty Trust and managed to put away a small weekly amount.
After a number of years I was offered an interest free mortgage through Liberty Trust which didn’t replace all my existing mortgage but quite a bit of it. Within seven years I will have paid it all back.
I can see how God’s way of not having debt is the only way to go and how having a big mortgage can cause lots of anxiety and worry.
God’s way is to allow us to prosper but to add no worry to it.
Now with twelve mokopuna (grandchildren) I am hoping that they will grab hold of that principle of saving for the future.
God Bless Liberty Trust for the awesome work they are doing!!
Cathy Takiwa