Pastor Bruce McDonald 1999
Bruce McDonald was the pastor of one of our founding churches, the Whakatane Christian Fellowship, when Liberty Trust began in 1989. He is now Senior Pastor of the Auckland Christian Fellowship. Bruce wrote this endorsement in July 1999 to celebrate our 10th birthday:
A little over ten years ago a wonderful adventure began and a Vision was born. “Liberty Trust” – born in a prayer closet and out of a desire to change the financial circumstances of multitudes of people. It was established in the conviction that the Economic Principles clearly outlined in the Bible were still 100% relevant today and if applied diligently would have the same powerful effect in our generation as applied in any other.
We wanted to demonstrate a Kingdom of God alternative to a World Financial System that was inherently driven by greed and thus inevitably produced ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’. The result – increasing personal, community and national indebtedness.
Today, ten years later, this dream is still very much alive. Liberty Trust is still doing exactly what it was established to do. One family after another, mortgage by mortgage we are breaking the evil power of usury (interest) and standing against debt.
When Kelvin asked me in those early days to state in one sentence what Liberty Trust was seeking to do, my response was: “We want to give people Greater Freedom to Live and to Give”. Today I see no reason to change that statement.
I want to commend everyone who has participated in making this vision a Reality. Firstly to Kelvin and the Trustees. Well done! Your sacrificial giving of time, skills and resources has been awesome.
To the contributors I want to give my heartfelt thanks. You are the great heroes of this milestone reached. Your giving is the seed that is producing a huge harvest of blessing to families and thus the Kingdom of God.
Be assured of this – The Best is yet to come. I would in faith suggest to you that the adventure has just begun. A generation of young Christian men and women will rise in the days ahead and not ever need to experience the evil of interest-bearing mortgages.
I have a dream. God Bless you all and once again. Thank You!
Ps. Bruce McDonald
July 1999
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