Maungatapere Community Church
22 November 2006
Dear Liberty Trust
In February 2005, intrigued by your flier, I wrote a letter to you for further information. Somehow I misread this to understand that you would provide interest free bonds for church properties on proving that the loan would be repaid with minimal risk to Liberty Trust. Seemingly the requirement of making weekly payments for ten years did not apply in such cases, or so I believed.
I was led to bring this to the attention of our Annual General Meeting of May 2005 wherein it was agreed that I should pursue obtaining such a loan from you. A resolution was passed at our June 2005 business meeting that a request be made for our bonds to be taken over by Ark Resources Ltd.
I am a reluctant letter writer. I find it very time consuming and laborious, so it was not until 3rd August that a letter was written. But when our Heavenly Father motivates and controls events, the timing is perfect.
You replied very promptly, stating that such a bond could not be granted to us because we had not fulfilled the criterion of first paying into the Trust. Imagine my surprise when you phoned me the very next day to tell me one of your borrowers had unexpectedly received an inheritance and wished to donate the remaining balance of their loan to us.
What perfection of timing with the exact amount of our request with the provision of funding just as was needed. Coincidence? Maybe to those of little faith. But I am not the only one to notice that prayer is followed by a surprising number of coincidences.
Our being blessed by Liberty Trust was and is a cause of great rejoicing. In less than five years we shall be debt free. Already our giving to missions has been able to be increased and improvements made to our buildings—a better equipped and more attractive kitchen—folding doors to screen off a Sunday School room—a much-needed second toilet—fitting of appealing looking windows and doors.
Surely our HEAVENLY FATHER will bless Liberty Trust in the future days ‘till JESUS returns for his own.
Yours in JESUS
A. W. McGladdery, Secretary