Caleb and Rhiannon McConnell

My wife and I have been married for 3 years. Throughout our marriage, we have studied at university and both received a degree. We have both worked full time, however, our respective salaries have been ordinary. For the past 12 years (since I was 13 years old) my father has encouraged me to put at least $10 a week into Liberty Trust. Nine months ago we purchased our first home together with the help of the Liberty Trust loan that I had accrued throughout my childhood. I am convinced that we could not have done this without the help of our Liberty Trust loan, and without it, we would have been saving another three years before we could think about buying a house.

I did not realise how important my contributions to Liberty Trust were going to be throughout my childhood. However, they have made all the difference to our financial future. Liberty Trust is an incredible way of using kingdom principles to collectively see each other released from the chains that finance can wrap around you.

This is a God-breathed initiative that causes you to help yourself, while you help others.

God Bless

Caleb and Rhiannon McConnell

22 May 2014