Jonathan Segedin

Jonathan has been part of the Liberty Trust team for most of our 20 years and is a director of Ark Resources Ltd. He is a retired Master Builder now employed as a sales representative. Jonathan is an elder and chairman of the board of Liberty Life Church as well as serving on the missions committee. He is a keen sportsman, especially into cycling and is married to Juliet and with four teenage children. November 2000As the first year of the new millennium rushes on and with Christmas approaching soon, it is good to stop and reflect.

The price of petrol has gone through the roof, our dollar is dropping and inflation is expected to rise.

How does this all affect us in Liberty Trust, a part of God's Kingdom?

We as trustees continually realise the sacrifice people are making to belong to this work. It is a struggle making the dollar go round.

I am reminded of the initial vision of Liberty Trust - "to pool our resources and pay off mortgages". Every dollar given to Liberty Trust is now permanently in God's Kingdom, it will never go back into the world's system. This concept of the Kingdom of God financing Christian families, not the world, is awesome. The small beginnings back in 1988, where will it end? - when the Lord returns!

Be encouraged, that even though times are tough and our dollars don't seem to go as far as they used to, God will richly bless you as you continue to help others in debt.

"Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice" Psalm 112:5

Being a trustee has continually brought us before God in prayer, seeking His will for His work. God works in mysterious ways and sometimes we cannot understand where He is leading us.We have recently gone through a legal restructure which has often been long and we've wondered where it is leading us. With consistent prayer seeking God's will we have restructured and know that Liberty Trust is a strong part of the Kingdom of God.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain" Psalm 127:1

We trustees know that we have not laboured in vain, God has built Liberty Trust and will continue to keep building until He returns.

Yours in Christ,

Jonathan Segedin
