Seven Bible Principles

Did you know that seven major financial Bible principles are released when people sow into this corner of God’s Storehouse?

Principle 1: Sowing and Reaping

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and after six days he declared it "very good" and rested.

The world operates on a "pleasure now but pain later" basis while God's Kingdom operates on a "sowing and reaping" basis - first you do the hard work and then you will reap a great harvest - a multiple, greater and better than what you have sown.

Instead of seeking immediate short-term gain with long-term pain we encourage you to put in the hard work first - to sow now and later you will be rewarded for your diligence.

For example, if you have a spending spree on your credit card or buy a flash new car using vehicle finance, you will receive immediate short-term gain but will be stuck paying high interest on those purchases for a long time - servant to the lender. It is better to save up for what you need to buy and you won't be saddled with suffocating debt. This is the path to financial freedom.

And if you purchase a property using a bank mortgage you get it immediately but may be paying mortgage interest for many decades. But if you first sow into Liberty Trust you can borrow without interest, saving many years of mortgage repayments and tens, or hundreds, of thousands of dollars.

Some great Bible verses:

Principle 2: Stewardship: The careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care.

After God created the world and everything in it He planted a garden and filled it with beautiful trees which were good to eat. Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. God blessed them and instructed them to rule over the fish, the birds, and every living creature.

Everything we have belongs to God and He has entrusted it to us to make the best use of it for His purposes. Just like Adam and Even God wants us to be good stewards of what He gives us.

Many people waste hundreds of thousands of dollars of their income on rent or mortgage interest over their lifetimes. By contributing to Liberty Trust instead, your resources are not wasted. Your contribution to Liberty Trust is lent to help others, and used and re-used over and over again, providing benefit for generations to come. You are making great use of what God has given you and blessing many others. And by repaying your mortgage and becoming debt free you can do so much more with your time and resources as a good steward for God.

Principle 3: Freedom from Bondage

One of the major themes of the Bible is freedom from bondage. Just as God brought the Israelite's out of slavery in Egypt so He wants to release you from slavery into liberty as well.

Many New Zealanders spend their entire working lives in bondage to their landlord or bank lender, unable to do, go, or give as God desires. We want to set God's people free from debt so they have real liberty to fully serve God. Instead of a 20-30 year mortgage our mortgage term is typically just 7-10 years!

Principle 4: Generosity not Greed

After God rescued the Israelites from slavery He gave them the 10 commandments to follow. These started with “I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other God’s before me”, and finished with “You shall not desire your neighbour's house ...  nor anything else which belongs to your neighbour”.  Exodus 20:17.

God set up this command for our best interests, not to restrict our lives but to enable us to have a better and more worthwhile life. Greed is never satisfied (Pr 27:20) and desiring to have what others have only sets you up for a life of misery. Learning to be generous releases you from the tyranny of materialism and provides the peace and freedom to enjoy the more important things of life.

Many New Zealanders today devote their entire working lives to live in a grand house that others can admire. God doesn’t want a grand house to be the desire and focus of your life, wasting your efforts and resources in this way - He has better plans for you - He has your best interests at heart.

Liberty Trust can help you to have a debt free home while following Godly principle of generosity and helping others at the same time.

Covetousness, envy and greed is serious to God. It breaks the tenth commandment, chokes God’s message & makes you unfruitful (Mt 13:22), it brings God’s anger (Col 3:5-6), it makes you an idolater - despising God, and makes it impossible to enter the Kingdom of God (Eph 5:5)!

Avoiding greed is so important that Paul writes: You must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is greedy ... Do not even eat with such people! 1 Cor 5:11.

This is obviously a big deal! So how can we turn our covetousness around so we are focusing less on our wants and more on God? The Bible has lots to say on this:

Principle 5: Interest-free Lending  

After giving the ten commandments to the Israelites (Exodus 20), God promised to bless them if they continue to follow His commands to love God and look after each other. One of the commands was:

God repeated and further explained this in the next two books:

God wants His people to be free from burdensome debt (see principle 3). So God's people were encouraged to lend to one another but were forbidden to charge interest or profit on the loans. Lending was to be charitable, to help those in need.

The Bible has very strong words about people who charged interest on loans (see Ez 18-8,13,17, Neh 5:7,10). It was seen as the rich greedily benefiting themselves by taking from the poor. Instead, we are encouraged to generously lend without interest to help others (Ps 15:5, Pr 28:8).

The principle of interest-free lending is taught throughout the Bible, it was followed by Christians until the Middle Ages and is still followed by Jews and Muslims today. It was canonised at the first Nicaea Council in 235 AD. Pope Sixtus V condemned the practice of charging interest as “Detestable to God and man, damned by the sacred canons and contrary to Christian charity."

Liberty Trust was established in 1989 because NZ households and churches in debt were struggling and had no alternative than to accept the exorbitant interest being charged by the world's financial systems. We knew the solution was to follow the Bible's commands. By sowing and reaping and stewardship and working together we have been able to lend over $80 million interest-free to release God's people from burdensome debt into liberty. Our vision is for interest-free liberty for every New Zealand church and home.

Some more Bible verses about interest-free lending:

Principle 6: The Blessing of Storehouses 

The Storehouse is certainly one of the Bible’s key financial principles. God uses storehouses and recommends storehouses dozens of times in the Scriptures. He also warns against misuse of storehouses. They are to be used to help others, not just ourselves. Then He will bless them for His glory.

Liberty Trust has Noah's Ark as our logo. The Ark was a great storehouse, built by Noah following God's directions, and it saved the people, birds and animals from the great flood (Gen 6-9). The Ark is a great example of a secure storehouse ordained by God to protect and provide for His people.

Genesis 41 & 42 describes how God saved his people through storehouses another time when Joseph collected the grain of Egypt into large storehouses. Because of these storehouses the family of Israel was saved from the drought which would otherwise have destroyed them, and they were given land and provision in Egypt.

In Deuteronomy 28:8 we read:

'The Lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand.'

And verse 12 promises: ‘The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of His bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none’.

So God will use His storehouse to bless our storehouses! So we can be lenders and providers, and never need to borrow!

Liberty Trust is a community storehouse established to equip and finance God’s people into their own homes and churches in order to free each to be able to fulfil God’s call on their lives. In the Liberty Trust storehouse God’s people can safely pool their resources to lend and provide for others, borrow for their homes and ministries and pass a blessing on to their spiritual and natural family.

Like Abigail the wife of Nabal bringing provision to David and his men (1 Sam 25), like the Good Samaritan using his resources to generously assist the stranger (Luke 10), or the five wise virgins with extra oil (Matt 25), we need a stored surplus to enable us to generously respond to the needs around us.

If a farmer and his family consumed all their harvest they would have nothing to plant for the future. Instead, they must store a portion of their harvest safely so they can plant it at a later time. How can God responsibly bless anyone who consumes all they are given, week after week, month after month and year after year? “For if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” (Luke 16:11). As well as giving our tithes and offerings it is good to put resources aside in a ‘storehouse’ for God to bless and use.

The contributions our pioneers made back in 1989 have not been consumed or spent but are still being used over and over again by our storehouse, now providing $5 million each year to help others. And the funds that you contribute will add to this storehouse so it can help still more, assisting & bless God's people and setting them free from debt so they can provide for others and do great things for God's glory.

Starting a personal storehouse brings assurance that even though one’s finances may be a struggle, all is not lost. Everyone can create a positive in the midst of their hopelessness. What will you do once you have repaid your debts? Will you waste the opportunity by simply increasing your spending? Will you borrow again and get into further debt? Will you store up wealth for yourself? Or will you have the inclination and self-discipline to create a personal storehouse for Kingdom use?”

It is God’s desire that we are able to lend without borrowing and give without requiring anything in return. God wants His people to have storehouses which are available for His use, in order that He may bless them.

More great Bible verses:

Principle 7: Supporting God's Family

The Bible teaches us that all those who are led by God's Spirit are God’s children (Rom 8:14, John 1:12), part of a family of believers (Eph 2:19) and we should love each other (John 15:12), carry each others burdens (Gal 6:2), and be devoted to one another in brotherly love (Rom 12:10).  

Instead of just looking out for our own interests we should look to the interests of each other (Phil 2:4). By working together we can help each other far better than we could if we each acted on our own.

Liberty Trust was commenced in the late 1980’s when NZ was in recession, unemployment was high, and many people were struggling with really high interest-rates on their life-long mortgages.  We realised that instead of each individually borrowing from the banks and having to pay lots of interest, God’s people could follow Scripture, work together and build and borrow from a Christian storehouse interest-free and become debt free. And their contributions could enable future generations to also borrow interest-free. Hundreds of individuals, families and churches have joined together through Liberty Trust and to date we have lent over $80 million interest-free, to assist those in financial difficulty, relieve financial burdens and advance the Kingdom of God.

Having to borrow from unbelievers was one of the curses that God promised His people if they were disobedient and broke His commands (Dt 28:12-15,44). So we should consider carefully who we borrow from & become indebted to. Unfortunately many lending institutions prey on and take advantage of the vulnerable. Liberty Trust has rescued widows, solo parents, sickness beneficiaries, and retired missionaries from some really oppressive rents and mortgage terms - in two cases an elderly widow was being charged 20% interest on her mortgage and having to re-apply for her mortgage every year, with lots of legal bills and worry. If interest rates increase, or times become tough can you trust your lender to put your household before their profits?

When you contribute to Liberty Trust you are contributing to a Christian storehouse to help many other believers. And when you borrow from us & make repayments to us you are borrowing from and repaying a Christian charity and setting a great example to the world of how love and care for each other (John 13:35).

Some more great verses on choosing to support each other: