
Your Family

We spend most of our working lives paying off a bank mortgage.  Then, when we finally finish, we watch our children commence the same cycle.  With rising rents, house prices and student debt, buying a home is becoming increasingly difficult. 

This deadly cycle can be broken by sponsorship.  God’s pattern is for parents to provide for and teach their children by both word and example (Prov 13 v 22, 1 Tim 4 v 4b & 5 v 8).  Liberty Trust is an ideal way to assist your children or grandchildren into interest free home ownership, and at the same time introduce them to the Bible’s method of family support for one another (Prov 13 v 22a, 1 Tim 4 v 4b, 8).  We have seen great blessing as children continue the example of their parents.  Many will then sponsor their family in turn.  You can establish a biblical blessing and heritage for future generations!

Your descendants need never pay mortgage interest! What a blessing!

Your Church Worker or Overseas Missionary

Liberty Trust is also an ideal way to bless your pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers and provide for church buildings interest free. People most deserving of help are often least able to afford to sow financially and therefore miss out on the financial blessing. As well as benefiting them you are giving into God’s Kingdom and helping many others at the same time.

Sponsors wishing to assist our ethical investments in Ark Resources Ltd should contribute $10 per week for every $25,000 of loan required, to total 20% of their loan application over ten years.  Following the principles of sowing and reaping (2 Cor 9 v 6) Ark Resources Ltd will provide the blessing of an interest free loan for their nominated person as funds become available (presently about ten years).

Half of the contributions made will be returned after ten years to start a new Liberty Trust membership or to credit a loan from Ark Resources Ltd.

To sponsor someone in Liberty Trust and apply for them to receive an interest free loan from Ark Resources Ltd please read:

then print, complete and post the following to us at Liberty Trust, PO Box 2211, Whakatane 3159, New Zealand:

Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.