Servant to the Lender

The borrower is servant to the lender

Proverbs 22 v 7b

Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers

2 Corinthians 6 verse 14

These counsels can be testified to by brothers and sisters all around the world unable to borrow from secular sources without exorbitant conditions imposed because of their beliefs.

Many banks and lending institutions prey on the vulnerable. We have needed to rescue more than one elderly widow locked into 20% interest-only mortgages that were crippling them. We have had the pleasure of lending to many families and church building projects unable to borrow through secular means. We understand and support churches and their vision for the lost. We are not governed by the pursuit of profit but by God's principles of love and helping each other.

Liberty Trust began with nothing but a mandate from God and has saved many millions of dollars for God's purposes which would have otherwise been wasted on interest. We have lent funds over and over again and continue to enlarge the storehouse as a heritage for further generations.

We have also been able to donate to many NZ ministries such as Churches Education Commission (Bible in Schools & School Chaplains), Kingdom Resources, Christians Against Poverty, Habitat for Humanity, Parents Inc, Vision Network, Rhema, Grapevine Communications, Family Education Network and other local & overseas Mission activities as recommended by NZ churches, as well as supporting NZ churches in times of need (such as recovery after fires).There are no compromises when it comes to the principles in God’s Word. Have you considered the full possible cost of your home? Are you borrowing from the right sources? How are your payments benefiting the Kingdom of God? When God says “Consider the cost”, “Do not be unequally yoked” and “The borrower is servant to the lender” you had better believe Him. Let's work together to set God's people free!

Part One: Consider the Cost]       [ Next: Laws of the Harvest